Our company's philosophy
"Small" is our strength
Especially when producing smaller and middle-sized lots, our medium-sized family-owned company can prove its strength.Our flexibility and the willingness to cooperate closely in the development of problem-oriented special solutions justify the trust of our customers.

Efficiency is our objective
Our finest aim in our policy is to support and supply our customers having labelling jobs in such a way that our products ensure a smooth marking of goods and a functioning of the organisation on the spot.We pay special attention to innovative opportunities and procedures for using labels which are about to show on the technological horizon or which are only being applied as an attempt. This is our way to ensure that we keep recognising upcoming tendencies at an early stage and that we are able to offer our customers products and services which are ready for the future.
Accuracy is our maxim
In order to fulfil this aim, we focus our company on the standards of an up-to-date industrial production. This means to us above all the building and the continuous maintenance of a comprehensively structured organisation which is strongly quality oriented.In the long run, we can only succeed in securing our market position as a label specialist and a partner for identification technology if the key factors of our success – performance and willingness for service – are not left to chance, but if they are under control and being deliberately further developed.
The technical and organisational ability to innovate is for us the most important prerequisite for tomorrow's growth and securing our future market presence.
A quarter of a century for
software support at eXtra4
Hartmut Kasper honoured as a company jubilarian
© 2024 Ferdinand Eisele GmbH • Carl-Benz-Str. 17 • D-75217 Birkenfeld (Pforzheim) • Tel. +49 7231 9479-0